10 Timeless Life Skills That Should Transcend Generations

life skills

Life skills are important. Hard skills such as learning how to sew a button, changing a flat tire, washing dishes or cooking are great to have especially when you move out of the house. However, some essential skills that are reflective of values and character are needed in dealing with life.

10 Life Skills Everyone Needs to Learn

  1. Being kind.

Understand that not everyone is in the same position or have the same background. Do not be quick to judge someone based on their temperament or immediate reactions. These folks might just be having a really terrible week or perhaps they have a burdensome load that no one else is helping them carry.

It never hurts to extend some grace and kindness their way. Who knows, you might just be the one who can help turn things around for them just by simply saying “hi” or giving them an encouraging word.

  1. Apologizing genuinely.

Admitting to one’s mistake and apologizing sincerely for it takes much character and maturity. In most cases, people tend to forgive those who know to apologize genuinely than those who are proud and arrogant.

  1. Giving credit to whom it is due.

There is no such thing as a self-made man (or woman). Someone, somewhere, sometime helped open doors of opportunities for you and helped you along the way.

Your success is the result of people giving you a hand. Never take credit for everything. Learn to profusely thank people who have helped make your life easier, whether they contributed big things or small.

  1. Making a budget.

Learning how to manage money is one of the most crucial life skills you have to learn. Finances are a big part of life and as long as you don’t know how to manage it wisely, you will struggle throughout life.

  1. Making wise decisions.

It’s easy to decide, yes. However, making the right decision is something that takes more than just going eenie-meenie-miney-moe. You have to look at different factors and considerations. You have to learn how to weigh the different pros and cons of each decision to make a wiser and informed decision.

Learning to see things from different perspectives will help you make well-informed decisions that you won’t regret making.

  1. Taking care of personal hygiene.

We’re not talking about vanity here; just the proper observance of good personal hygiene. Keeping yourself neat and presentable at all times shows how much you care about the little things.

Things like going to the dentist regularly, washing your hands and sanitizing them every now and then, and using deodorant before going out show you are also concerned about the people you come into contact with daily.


  1. Learning to be patient.

We are in the age where most people are looking for instant gratification. Unfortunately, patience is a commodity that is very rare nowadays. People want instant access and results in a lot of things, whether work-related or leisure.

No matter how fast things work today, you can never impose your timeline on life. It has its own pace. Patience helps us to deal with life and its work in a more composed and collected manner, with no need for temper tantrums and entitlement rants.

  1. Looking beyond your own needs.

Most parents are very good at this. From taking time off their busy schedules to take kids to the dentist in Salt Lake or to drive them to their football games in San Diego, parents know what it’s like to look beyond their own needs.

Similarly, in life, we need to learn how to take the spotlight off ourselves and see to the needs of others. There is a different sense of fulfillment in helping people out.

  1. Going the extra mile.

If somebody asks you for a minute, give them five. If someone asks for your attention, drop what you’re doing and focus on the person.

Going above and beyond what’s needed communicates to people how much you value them.

  1. Seeking counsel.

Humility is a trait that is sometimes misunderstood. It has nothing to do with thinking of yourself lowly or shunning compliments given to you. It has to do with an honest estimation of where you are and what you have and acknowledging that you need help in certain areas of your life.

Seeking counsel from someone who’s ahead of the journey shows your intention to grow and improve. This is reflective of humility on your part, that you need people to help you be better at what you do.

Regardless of age or generation, these life skills are important in your growth and maturity.


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