
How many times have we gone to a buffet and felt robbed? We barely touched all the dishes they offered. We didn’t even have space in our stomachs anymore for dessert. What about those yummy lobsters that were beckoning us? Oh, no, we couldn’t take it anymore. We were so full it felt like our bellies were about to burst. Then, of course, there was the guilt of eating too much and of straying away from your diet. We swear to never go to a buffet ever again, and yet, we do it anyway.

When you find good buffet deals in Singapore, you can’t help clicking that “buy now” button. It almost feels like a crime not to give in to the temptation. There is nothing wrong with wanting to try a buffet and all it has to offer. What’s wrong is going there unprepared. You have to maximize your time and the food there, so check out these tips:

Don’t Skip Meals

The thinking is that people who are going to a lunch or dinner buffet have to skip breakfast or lunch. This is wrong. You will binge-eat once you get to the buffet. You’ll be so hungry that you won’t even think about what you’re eating. You will fail to strategize. And the worst thing is that you’re going to stuff yourself with fat and carbohydrates. You’ll be so full before you realize that you haven’t tried the more expensive dishes.

Not All Buffet Deals Are Good Deals

If an Indian restaurant across your office has a buffet for cheap, you shouldn’t give in if you don’t like curry or other Indian dishes. You will end up starving yourself because you can’t eat anything there. It’s a waste of money. Choose the buffet deals you’re going to buy.

Get an Overview

food buffet

When you enter the buffet, the salad bar is usually at the front. The trick is to survey the whole place first. Take a look at what dishes you want to try. If you fill up in iceberg lettuce and croutons, you won’t have space in your belly for the steak.

Take Small Portions

Get a little bit of everything. Don’t get a large serving of something you haven’t even tried yet. You can always go back later if you have a particular fondness for a dish. Many of these dishes look better on the buffet table than they taste in your mouth.

Eat Slowly

You will feel fuller and more bloated if you eat quickly. Most buffet restaurants allow their customers to stay for at least three to four hours. You have those whole hours to yourself. There’s no reason for you to do this quickly. You shouldn’t be at a buffet if you have a meeting in an hour or two. You will overeat and miss out on a lot of great dishes.

Treat the buffet as an experience. It’s not about how much food you eat—you can never win against a buffet deal. It’s about trying out dishes you cannot cook at home or haven’t tried at a restaurant before.


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