keeping feet warm by the fireplace

One of the few things you need to know about living in Provo is the weather condition. Sometimes, it can be extremely hot or cold. It’s like living in Salt Lake City, but air could be drier – especially, in areas without proper ventilation.

Maintaining the right room temperature can be challenging for some Provo residents. To help you out, here are some points to consider to make your home warm and cozy:

Maximize the Use of your HVAC

The first thing you need to have in check is your HVAC. As much as possible, start looking for boiler installation services in Provo before the winter season. This feature will help achieve your desired room temperature. Consider checking your furnace regularly, as well. Upgrading your heating system can also be a good long-term investment. Look for products with energy-efficient features.

Another thing you should put on top of the list is the air filter. This is one of the most common mechanical problems in most HVACs – so be sure, to check it. If you must, get a programmable thermostat, one that would allow you to set it to a lower temperature during stretches of 8 hours so that you do not consume as much electricity.

While you’re at it, you need to make sure that your humidifier works well. A whole-house humidifier would help a lot in keeping the moisture in the air. Keep in mind that Provo, and probably most parts of Utah, suffer from dry air (talk about ruining your skin!). Ceiling fans can also help in getting the air inside your home circulating.

Check Your Doors and Windows

You may find this surprising, but well-maintained doors and windows can also help maintain your home’s ideal temperature. While some recommend using dual-pane windows, there are also other cheaper, but efficient alternatives. For example, you can simply use heavy and durable curtains. This provides the same effect but without burning holes into your pockets. Additionally,  make sure your window frames are properly caulked.

Go for Insulation

roof insulation

According to experts, around 15 to 30 percent of heat is lost through the roof. You can easily reduce this by adding more insulation throughout the loft. You can even overextend this to your walls and other areas. While this installation is a bit expensive, the result is worth it.

Take Advantage of Home Radiator

Most homeowners place their sofas near their radiators or cover them off during the cold season. While the latter may work in maintaining heat within your home, the former actually keeps your radiator from getting heat to circulate within your home. That said, get your sofas, curtains, and other furniture away from the radiator so that the furniture and curtain do not absorb the heat.

Use the Advanced Thermostatic Radiator Valves

This advanced technology helps maintain the ideal room temperature by automating the heating system of your HVAC or boiler system. Some later models even allow you to control the temp via mobile. Moreover, in a study conducted at the University of Salford, experts discovered that installing heat controls and thermostatic radiator can help reduce utility bills up to 40 percent.

These are some of the few things to consider to maintain the ideal temperature of your home, regardless of climate or season. For more efficient results, consult your nearest handyman expert.


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